Wednesday, 12 August 2015


1. How many IT Processes are defined by COBIT?
·         34
·         14
·         56
·         49

2. In which COBIT domain would you expect to find information on “Managing the IT Investment”?
·         Acquire and Implement
·         Deliver and Support
·         Plan and Organise
·         Monitor and Evaluate

3. According to COBIT, who is responsible for IT Governance?
·         The CIO
·         The Board of Directors
·         IT Employees
·         The CEO

4. Which of these statements is true?
a. An official COBIT Exam exists to test the understanding of COBIT at the Foundation level
b. Official COBIT Foundation courses are recognized for CPE credits
·         Neither 1 or 2
·         Both 1 and 2
·         1 only
·         2 only

5. Which of these statements is true?
a. An Organization can be certified against both COBIT & ISO/IEC 20000.
b. COBIT and ITIL Complement each other
·         Both 1 and 2
·         Neither 1 or 2
·         1 only
·         2  only

6. Read the following statement and select the right maturity level that corresponds to the statement, Processes are documented and communicated.
·         Optimized
·         Ceased
·         Defined
·         Directed

7. What is driving the need for IT Governance
·         Keeping IT up and running
·         Enforcing security
·         All answers apply
·         Aligning IT with business

8. Predefined measures that determines how well an IT process enables the achievement of goals are called:
·         Key goal indicators(KGI)/outcome Measures
·         Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
·         Mission objective Measurement (MOM)
·         Key performance Indicators (KPIs)/Performance Indicators

9. IOU Company has cross-functional teams that deliver projects late. Developers are unable to understand the terms used by the business managers and vice versa. How does cobit help in this situation?
·         COBIT helps better communicate using a common language
·         COBIT introduces internal controls & processes to provide assurance
·         COBIT manages complexity by introducing the PO processes
·         COBIT defines a model for efficient cross-functional coordination

10. Which element is a key component of the COBIT 5 Governance Approach?
·         Stakeholder Transparency
·         Evaluate, Direct and Monitor
·         Plan, Build, Run and Monitor
·         Governance Scope

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Foundation Level
Obtaining the Foundation qualification will show that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance to be able to:
·         Understand the governance and management of enterprise IT
·         Create awareness with your business executives and senior IT management
·         Assess the current state of enterprise IT in your department or organization
·         Scope which aspects of COBIT 5 would be appropriate to implement.

Exam Format
·         Multiple Choice format
·         50 questions per paper
·         25 mark or more required to pass (out of 50 available) - 50%
·         40 minute duration
·         Closed book.

Implementation Level
Get a practical understanding of how to apply COBIT 5 to specific business problems, pain points, trigger events and risk scenarios within the organization. Learn how to effectively implement and apply COBIT 5 into your enterprise or how you can integrate components into client initiatives. Attendees will walk away with an appreciation of how to effectively use COBIT 5 for different organizational and or client scenarios.
Following completion of the COBIT 5 Implementation course and examination, you will understand:
·         How to analyze enterprise drivers
·         Implementation challenges, root causes and success factors
·         How to determine and assess current process capability
·         How to scope and plan improvements
·         Potential implementation pitfalls
·         The latest good practices.

Exam Format
·         Objective testing
·         4 questions per paper with 20 marks available per question
·         40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%
·         2 ½ hours duration
·         Open book (‘COBIT 5 Implementation’ book only).

Assessor Level
The Assessor course provides methods to help guide implementation activities and is supported by several case studies. You will learn how to perform a process assessment and how to analyze the results to provide a clear determination of process capability. You will also learn how these results can be used for process improvement, measuring the achievement of current or projected business goals, benchmarking, consistent reporting and organizational compliance ultimately driving value to the business.
Following completion of the COBIT 5 Assessor course and examination, you will understand:
·         How to perform a process capability assessment using the Assessor Guide: using COBIT 5.
·         How to apply the Process Assessment Model (the PAM) in performing a process capability assessment. Specifically:
·         To use the Process Reference Model, in particular to be able to use the 37 processes outlined in the PRM.
·         To apply and analyse the measurement model in assessing process capability levels.
·         To apply and analyse the capability dimension using generic criteria outlined in the PAM.
·         How to identify and assess the roles and responsibilities in the process capability assessment process.
·         How to perform and assess the 7 steps outlined in the Assessor Guide. Specifically:
·         Initiate a process assessment
·         Scope an assessment, using the tools provided and the PAM for the selection of the appropriate processes
·         Plan & Brief the teams
·         Collect & Validate the data
·         Do a process attribute rating
·         Report the findings of the assessment.
·         How to use the self-assessment guide.

Exam Format
·         Objective testing
·         8 questions per paper with 10 marks available per question
·         40 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 50%
·         2 ½ hours duration
·         Open book (‘COBIT 5 Assessor Guide: Using COBIT 5’ and ‘COBIT Process Assessment Model (PAM): Using COBIT 5’ books only).
Candidates that are successful in the COBIT 5 Assessor exam now meet one of the eligibility requirements to become a COBIT 5 Certified Assessor.